There are many great liver boosting foods, but here are some of my favorites:

Leafy Greens

 Spinach, spring mix, mustard greens, and other dark leafy greens are good sources of fiber and powerhouses of nutrition. Research demonstrates that their high concentration of vitamins and antioxidants helps prevent hunger while protecting you from heart disease, cancer, cataracts, and memory loss.



Beans and Legumes

Legumes are the best source of fiber of any foods. They help to stabilize blood sugar while keeping you regular. They are also high in potassium, a critical mineral that reduces dehydration and the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.


Garlic and Onions

This dynamic duo of foods contains phytochemicals that break down fatty deposits in the body, while also breaking down cholesterol; killing viruses, bacteria, and fungi; and protecting against heart disease. With a little help from garlic and onions, you can burn fat while warding off illness.



This hot spice lessens the risk of excess insulin in the body by speeding metabolism and lowering blood glucose (sugar) levels, before the excess insulin can result in fat stores. Spice up your next meal with cayenne and lessen those love handles.



The popular spice used primarily in Indian cooking is one of the highest known sources of beta carotene, the antioxidant that helps protect the liver from free radical damage. Turmeric also helps strengthen your liver while helping your body metabolize fats by decreasing the fat storage rate in liver cells. Add a teaspoon of turmeric into your next curry dish to help your body fight fat.



 Researchers showed that a quarter to one teaspoon of cinnamon with food helps metabolize sugar up to twenty times better than food not eaten with cinnamon. Excess sugar in the blood can lead to fat storage. Before you sip that chai tea latte or eat your oatmeal, sprinkle on the cinnamon.


Flax Seeds and Flax Seed Oil

These seeds and oil attract oil-soluble toxins that become lodged in the fatty tissues of the body. Once attracted, they help to escort fat-soluble toxins out. That spells fewer fat stores and a trimmer you.




Smarter doesn’t mean that you will lose weight but it means that you should be smarter in all senses that you are sharp you are slim everything that we do throughout our day depends highly on what we consume daily. So it’s important to pay attention to foods that we consume on daily basis our health, beauty and even our mood depends on it. It is necessary important to eat foods that are rich in protein, vitamins, antioxidants and fibre .There are certain foods that you can add in your meal that helps you to boost your brain’s activity as well as your health and you’ll be able to stay attentive during your work day.



Fish is a food that contains a lot of vitamins and minerals and it’s a great source of omega3 fatty acids that helps to prevent you from dying the risk of heart diseases. It also protect you from certain diseases like cancer, depression etc

Doctors recommended that you should eat fish twice a week. It helps your brain to work much faster while you are working or learning lessons. Eating fish during pregnancy may help reduce the risk of delivering a premature baby. And fish also help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar levels.



Oatmeal is one of the popular foods that we usually take for breakfast. It is a Low calorie food and it stop craving for a longer period of time. It provides high levels of fiber, low levels of fat, and high levels of protein and it also helps to  Stabilizes blood sugar and reduces risk of diabetes  as The high fiber and complex carbohydrates slow down the conversion of this whole food to simple sugars. The high levels of magnesium nourish the body’s proper use of glucose and insulin secretion and it also removes your bad cholesterol. As being slow-digesting food oatmeal will provide your brain with energy for a long period of time.


3. Nuts

A small handful can pack your diet with filling protein, fiber, unsaturated fats, and important vitamins and minerals. Nuts are underrated as nutritious snacks particularly raw tree nuts, such as almonds, cashews, walnuts, and more,and it also helps to control cholesterol level, better heart health, weight control, and even a lower cancer risk.

Walnuts can be an important tool in helping you lose weight and it also helps to improve sleep.

Nuts have gotten a bad smack for being too high in fat, but the truth about them is that nuts, especially walnuts, are a powerhouse of nutrition. All nuts have different nutrition credentials and will offer various health benefits 


4. Chocolate

Throughout the years, chocolate has been on the end of a lot of bad press because of its fat content, and its utilization has been connected with acne, obesity, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease and diabetes.

The potential benefits of eating chocolate are said to contain lowering cholesterol levels, prevent cognitive decline, and reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems and Chocolate may also helps to lower cholesterol levels

Chocolate contains powerful antioxidants called flavonoids, as well as some magnesium. These nutrients may help lower blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke and it improves their brain blood flow providing them with better memory.


5. Eggs

Eggs are one of the only foods that contain naturally occurring vitamin D. Eggs may avoid breast cancer. As women who consumed at least six  eggs per week lowered their risk of breast cancer by 44%.Eggs promote healthy hair and nails because of their high sulphur content and wide array of vitamins and minerals.

 This substance is necessary to strengthen your brain’s activity and memory. Scientists claim that high concentration of chlorine found in eggs will help you to avoid the risk of brain changes that can lead to dementia. You don’t even guess that eggs are among those foods that should be essentially added to your diet



Cucumbers are the 4Th most extensively cultured vegetable in the world, which provides an enormous number of health benefits. Cucumber keeps you hydrated because it contains 96% of water.We can add cucumber in different ways in our meal like smoothies, salads or we can use it as an appetizer as it provides a lot of benefits here are a few of them.



Cucumber helps to manage blood pressure as we mentioned earlier it contains a large amount of water it keeps your blood vessels hydrated. It contains a lot of calcium and potassium which helps to reduce blood pressure .for this it might be use in smoothies.


All that water in cucumber helps in sweeping waste products out of your system through urination and it also helps to prevent kidney stone formation and it is known to dissolve kidney stones if it is used regularly.



Cucumber helps you to lose weight as they are rich in vitamins and fiber that make you feel longer and also helps indigestion. It also cut down the risk of cancer. You can add it as an appetizer in your diet as it helps to increase your energy levels and reduce few unwanted pounds.


Cucumber juice refreshes your mouth against bad breath and helps to heals diseased gums. You can hold a slice of cucumber against the top of your mouth for about 30 seconds to fight bad breathing.



All those vitamins and minerals in cucumber help as a prevailing element for muscle and joint pain. As cucumber contains high silica and calcium element which helps to keep your bones healthy. It also helps to smooths hair and nails.  


Patients of diabetes can enjoy cucumber while also reap its benefits cucumber contains a hormone needed by the cells of the pancreas for producing insulin that people suffering for diabetes lack. A compound called sterols in cucumber helps reduce bad cholesterol

7 Ways to Get Rid of Negativity in Your Life

A new day is a chance to change your life and get rid of negative vision of the world. However it’s quite difficult to stay positive, facing failures and harsh realities of life. Human mind has a tendency to remember negative points better than positive ones. We think over our problems too much and it doesn’t help to solve them but makes us more miserable. Remember that the power of thought is extremely influential, so try to avoid negative thoughts which steal your happiness.


1. Avoid people who spread negativity

There’s a type of people who think negatively and their vision of the world is a result of their lifestyle. Moreover, such personalities project negativity onto others. Sigmund Freud ones said a wonderful thing: “Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by idiots”. These are the words of a great psychologist. These people seem to have no power to control their thoughts and actions and pour the negativity of their rich and miserable fantasy on successful people to make them unhappy too. The first step to get rid of negativity is to drop the negative people in your life, but try to do it in a friendly way.

2. Don’t try to take overall control of everything

Nowadays many people want to reach perfection at least in something and it requires them to feel anxious about things they cannot control. It even happens that we are temporarily unable to reach our life goals and feel despondent and overfilled with fear. Don’t accentuate your attention on this fear and it will definitely go away. Enjoy the moments of life and other wonderful and magical things. Your fear and anxiety don’t influence the result of an action but make you suffer from these emotions. Try to be confident and don’t be afraid of the things you cannot control.

3. Exercise

It’s not a secret that sports and active lifestyle are an essential part of our mental and physical well-being. When you are busy with some exercises, your body produces endorphins which make you feel calm and happy. These hormones can even anesthetize and improve the circulation of blood in your body. I think it’s wonderful to feel alive and to be in harmony with your body. It’s proved that physical activity reduces the amount of negative thoughts in your mind. Make yourself better and healthier by exercising on a regular basis.

4. Pray/Meditation

Meditation or prayer is a way to activate your inner healing system. You calm your spirit down, becoming emotionally stable and physically strong. Moreover, it can help you perceive yourself better and become wiser. It’s an incredibly effective step to heal yourself and purify your conscience from negative thoughts and energies.

5. Learn to forgive

Resentment is a powerful tool that fulfills us with negative energy. We know that pride doesn’t allow us to forgive others and even ourselves. Our conscience is getting full of anger, sadness and bitterness. Such behavior forms a habit and it’s very difficult to feel yourself happy and free if you have a burden of negativity. Learn to forgive and don’t dwell on your mistakes. It’s the highest wisdom that can make you mentally rich.

6. Be a positive light

Do you know that our mood forms a person’s day? By all means, try to be special by your positive vision of the world and be the light that shines brightly. If we try to make another person happy, the whole world will be full of lucky people. Be positive, use your skills to help others in need, beam light and your life will change for the better in a short period of time.

7. Stop comparing yourself to others

The last step to let go of negativity is to reject false opinions of people around. As we know, tastes differ, so someone can find us not smart enough while others think we are not good and pretty enough. We are unique and we should know that we are deeply loved. Stop comparing yourself to others and always stay confident.

Remember that you are the blacksmith of your happiness, so it’s up to you to stop living in a dark and negative world, created by your own thoughts. We possess a great power to control our emotions. Have you ever tried to rid yourself of negativity? Please give your advice to help millions change their life!



Granulated sugar 125 g
Milk 300 ml
Cream 225 gm
Instant espresso powder 1 tbsp
Cocoa powder 1-1/2 tbsp
Chopped dark chocolate 60 gm
Eggs 3
Caster sugar 35 gm
Vanilla extract 1 tbsp
Almond macaroons 150 gm
Preheat oven to 170 C. Make caramel with the granulated sugar and about two tablespoons of water by heating gently in a saucepan till the sugar has completely dissolved. Now turn up the heat until the sugar turns to a toffee colour and caramelizes. Then quickly pour into the base and sides of a 1-liter loaf tin and leave it to set.
Put milk and cream in a saucepan and bring up to a simmer. Add the coffee powder, cocoa and chopped chocolate, and stir till the chocolate has melted.
Then immediately remove from heat.
Using an electric mixer beat the eggs with caster sugar till fluffy. Slowly add the warm milk and cream mix pouring from height to cool it as it pours. Then add the vanilla extract and the crushed macaroons and mix well. Pour into the loaf tin and stand the tin in a roasting pan. Pour hot water coming halfway up the sides of the pan.
Bake in oven for an hour, the top should be firm but should still tremble slightly when checked. Remove from water bath and cool. Then cover it with cling film and put in fridge for minimum six hours.
Remove cling film. Run a knife all round the tin and turn it out on a plate. Decorate with white chocolate shavings.

Tiramisu Toffee Dessert


Sliced cake 1 pound
Strong coffee 3/4 cup
Caster sugar 1 cup
Chocolate syrup 1/2 cup
Cream cheese 8 oz
Cream 2 cups
Chocolate covered toffees 3-4
Arrange cake slices on bottom of a glass dish, cutting cake slices if necessary to fit the bottom of the dish. Drizzle coffee over cake. Beat sugar, chocolate syrup, and cream cheese in a large bowl with an electric mixer on medium speed until smooth. Add cream, beat on until light and fluffy. Spread over cake. Sprinkle with half chocolate-covered toffees. Spread frosting over cake. Sprinkle with remaining toffee candy. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, serve very chilled.