There are many great liver boosting foods, but here are some of my favorites:

Leafy Greens

 Spinach, spring mix, mustard greens, and other dark leafy greens are good sources of fiber and powerhouses of nutrition. Research demonstrates that their high concentration of vitamins and antioxidants helps prevent hunger while protecting you from heart disease, cancer, cataracts, and memory loss.



Beans and Legumes

Legumes are the best source of fiber of any foods. They help to stabilize blood sugar while keeping you regular. They are also high in potassium, a critical mineral that reduces dehydration and the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.


Garlic and Onions

This dynamic duo of foods contains phytochemicals that break down fatty deposits in the body, while also breaking down cholesterol; killing viruses, bacteria, and fungi; and protecting against heart disease. With a little help from garlic and onions, you can burn fat while warding off illness.



This hot spice lessens the risk of excess insulin in the body by speeding metabolism and lowering blood glucose (sugar) levels, before the excess insulin can result in fat stores. Spice up your next meal with cayenne and lessen those love handles.



The popular spice used primarily in Indian cooking is one of the highest known sources of beta carotene, the antioxidant that helps protect the liver from free radical damage. Turmeric also helps strengthen your liver while helping your body metabolize fats by decreasing the fat storage rate in liver cells. Add a teaspoon of turmeric into your next curry dish to help your body fight fat.



 Researchers showed that a quarter to one teaspoon of cinnamon with food helps metabolize sugar up to twenty times better than food not eaten with cinnamon. Excess sugar in the blood can lead to fat storage. Before you sip that chai tea latte or eat your oatmeal, sprinkle on the cinnamon.


Flax Seeds and Flax Seed Oil

These seeds and oil attract oil-soluble toxins that become lodged in the fatty tissues of the body. Once attracted, they help to escort fat-soluble toxins out. That spells fewer fat stores and a trimmer you.




Cucumbers are the 4Th most extensively cultured vegetable in the world, which provides an enormous number of health benefits. Cucumber keeps you hydrated because it contains 96% of water.We can add cucumber in different ways in our meal like smoothies, salads or we can use it as an appetizer as it provides a lot of benefits here are a few of them.



Cucumber helps to manage blood pressure as we mentioned earlier it contains a large amount of water it keeps your blood vessels hydrated. It contains a lot of calcium and potassium which helps to reduce blood pressure .for this it might be use in smoothies.


All that water in cucumber helps in sweeping waste products out of your system through urination and it also helps to prevent kidney stone formation and it is known to dissolve kidney stones if it is used regularly.



Cucumber helps you to lose weight as they are rich in vitamins and fiber that make you feel longer and also helps indigestion. It also cut down the risk of cancer. You can add it as an appetizer in your diet as it helps to increase your energy levels and reduce few unwanted pounds.


Cucumber juice refreshes your mouth against bad breath and helps to heals diseased gums. You can hold a slice of cucumber against the top of your mouth for about 30 seconds to fight bad breathing.



All those vitamins and minerals in cucumber help as a prevailing element for muscle and joint pain. As cucumber contains high silica and calcium element which helps to keep your bones healthy. It also helps to smooths hair and nails.  


Patients of diabetes can enjoy cucumber while also reap its benefits cucumber contains a hormone needed by the cells of the pancreas for producing insulin that people suffering for diabetes lack. A compound called sterols in cucumber helps reduce bad cholesterol

10 Foods to Eat to Trim Down Your Body Naturally

Nowadays most of us have busy schedules and we don’t pay enough attention to our health. As we know, nutrition is the most significant part of our physical and emotional well-being, and it’s important to eat well even if you are on a diet. The main thing is to trim down your body the natural and healthy way and do it step-by-step that is quite difficult at times. Just look for all the best foods that make your body work like as a clock. Don’t be too strict and avoid suffering from poor nutrition and going hungry the whole day. Remember, wealth is nothing without health. So make sure you eat healthy and trim down your body naturally. Try to enrich your dishes with foods that support your physical well-being and help drop those unwanted pounds. You won’t have a feeling like you are a diet slave and there’s no need to stay hungry. Combine these foods with your snacks and meals and enjoy the process of losing weight with little efforts.



1. Oats

A steaming bowl of fresh cooked oatmeal is the best way to gain the strength and energy to start off your active day. Oats are very easy to digest and always fulfill you with a great portion of healthy substances. 

Oats are a great source of magnesium, phosphorus and selenium. They contain a lot of iron and vitamin B1, too. Plus, oats are fat-free, having a lot of healthy minerals and vitamins. You can use oats in different dishes; add them to cookies, muffins, chicken omelets and smoothies. Oats stabilize the level of sugar in your blood and increase your fiber and protein intake. Nowadays many people eat oat meals in the morning and take it as a rule. We should know that oats are extremely useful for our health and they are one of the best foods to eat to trim down your body naturally.


2. Fish

Fish is considered to be a super nourishing food that can help you drop a few unwanted pounds as quick as possible. It increases and repairs your lean muscle mass due to its amino acids content. Not to become bored with constant fish dishes, you can pair it with some other healthy foods. Fish is low in calories so don’t be afraid of getting fat, furthermore it contains no carbs at all. If you are anxious about fast weight loss, you should be sure that choosing other kinds of meat is not the best option.They say that fish is an indispensable element of nutrition. It is packed with vitamins and minerals. 


3. Berries


It seems berries are the most delicious food to eat to trim down your body naturally. They are extremely low in sugar and help burn fat cells as well. Berries raise the level of serotonin, making your mood majestic and stable to stresses. They contain a great number of vitamins, minerals and are rich in antioxidants, including quercetin, anthocyanins and vitamin C. All these elements help release toxins from a set of cells in the body.

Berries are “juicy foods” because they contain mostly water, that’s why they are great for losing weight. Moreover, berries contain folate and fiber that help us lower the level of cholesterol and normalize blood pressure

4. Greens


Many people find greens the most effective way to trim down the body. Greens are incredibly low in calories and can help keep you full longer. Greens balance your body, regulate different physiological processes and make your mind bright. Greens are full of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that protect and restore your skin and body cells. They contain a high level of nutrients. When you eat greens, your body does not require more signals to eat, as a result, you feel full and don’t overeat.

Greens reduce the risk of heart disease, including heart attack and stroke. Moreover, they help reduce blood cholesterol levels. As we see, eating greens is one of the best ways to stay healthy and lose weight. They are a rich source of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, iron and vitamins such as C, K, E and B group as well.



Coconut is a very special and delightful food to eat to trim down your body naturally. If you didn’t know, the palm tree is believed to be “The Tree of Life.” Coconut is good for your immunity, having antibacterial and antiviral effects. It boosts your mental activity, protects from stress by reducing the level of cortisol in your blood and keeps your mood in order.

Coconuts are an excellent source of fiber, minerals, amino acids and vitamins. They are packed with potassium, magnesium, calcium and a set of electrolytes. Coconut is used in many forms like oil, milk and butter. Eating coconuts supports the structure and development of healthy and strong teeth and bones. Coconut has useful antioxidant properties that slow down the aging process. It is a quick energy source and many people find it extremely nourishing.

6. Cucumbers


I think everyone loves cucumbers. They are so useful and rich in helpful elements and minerals, such as vitamin C and potassium. Cucumbers are good for your health and they can help you shed a few unwanted pounds fast. Just be aware that they are often sprayed with pesticides, so try to buy organic ones.
Due to their low calorie and high water content, cucumbers aid in digestion and weight loss. Did you know that cucumbers eliminate bad breath? Take a slice of it and press in to the roof of your mouth with the tongue for a minute. Its chemicals will kill bacteria in your mouth.

Apart from weight loss, cucumbers boast numerous benefits. They are high in sulfur and silicon that help to stimulate hair growth. Cucumbers are also used to ease sunburns and skin irritations. Add them to your green smoothies, vegetable salads or eat them raw.

7. Egg whites


Egg whites contain a lot of proteins and don’t have many calories. One egg has only 71calories and it’s one of the best foods to add to your healthy diet. An egg white contains selenium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. Egg whites can be used in various recipes. Eat them in the morning and they will leave you feeling much fuller than breakfast cereals. Egg whites also contain small amounts of vitamin B which is healthy for your body.

8. Lemons


Lemons reduce stress due to their vitamin C content and burn fats with lightning speed. Lemon juice with a pinch of salt every morning lowers cholesterol levels and brings your weight down. Lemons are high in antioxidants that fight off free radicals, preventing many diseases, including cancers, stroke and cardiovascular diseases. If you feel that you are getting ill, try to start curing yourself with help of lemons. Lemon helps produce antibodies in blood that attack the invading micro organism and fights the infection. Add a few drops of lemon juice in hot water to purify the liver and clear the digestive system. Lemon is one of the best fat burning foods that can help you trim down your body naturally.

9. Veggies


Veggies can be freely paired with greens to make your nutrition full and balanced. Everyone has their own favorite set of veggies. I prefer carrots, beets, celery, turnips and potatoes. I’m sure everyone knows about enormous benefits of Brussel spouts, onions, broccoli and cabbages. They are extremely nutritious and contain a great number of vitamins, fiber and water. All these elements and minerals fill your body up and help trim down the body naturally.

Veggies are also high in folate, potassium and vitamins A, E and C. The proverb says: “A sound mind in a sound body.” Try to add more veggies and greens to your eating plan and you will notice the improvement in a quite short period of time.

10. Nonfat Greek yogurt


Everyone seems to like nonfat Greek yogurt it’s a great snack that is low in sugar, calories and high in protein. It’s also packed with potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, vitamin D and B 12. Nonfat Greek yogurts are essential, especially for women. Add your favorite berries to your yogurt and you will have a wonderful snack that will help you trim down your body naturally.

14 Reasons You Should Start Eating Cucumber



 Cucumbers are number four most cultivated vegetable in the world and known to be one of the best foods for your overall health, often referred to as a super food. Pick a handful of firm, dark green cucumbers and drop them into your shopping cart. Congratulations! You have just bought yourself stuff full of good health.

Cucumber rehydrates body

If you are too busy to drink enough water, eat the cool cucumber, which is 90 percent water. It will cheerfully compensate your water lost.

Cucumber fights heat inside and out

Eating cucumber will get your body relief from heartburn. Apply cucumber on your skin and you will get relief from sunburn.

Cucumber eliminates toxins

All that water in cucumber acts as a virtual broom, sweeping waste products out of your body. With regular eating, cucumber is known to dissolve kidney stones.

Cucumber replenishes daily vitamins

Cucumbers have most of the vitamins the body needs in a single day. A B and C, which boost your immune system keep you radiant and give you energy. Make it more powerful by juicing cucumber with spinach and carrot. Don’t forget to leave the skin on because it contains a good amount of vitamin C, about 12 percent of the daily recommended allowance.


Cucumber supplies skin friendly minerals

Cucumber is high in potassium, magnesium and silicon. That is why spas abound cucumber based treatments.

Cucumber aids in digestion and weight loss

Due to its high water and low calorie content, cucumber is an ideal source for people who are looking for weight loss. Use cucumbers in your soups and salads. If it is not your favorite snack you can crunchy cucumber sticks with creamy low fat yogurt dip. Chewing cucumber gives your jaws a good workout and the fiber in it is great for digestion. Daily consumption of cucumbers can be regarded as an aid for chronic constipation.

Cucumber revives the eyes

Placing a chilled slice of cucumber over puffy eyes is a clichéd beauty visual but it really can help reduce under-eye bags and puffiness due to its anti inflammatory properties.

Cucumber fights cancers

Cucumber is known to contain secoisolariciresinol, lariciresinol and pinoresinol. The three lignans have a strong connection with reduced risk of several cancer types, including ovarian, breast, prostate and uterine cancer.

Cucumber cures diabetes, reduces cholesterol and controls blood pressure

Cucumber juice contains a hormone which is needed by the cells of the pancreas for producing insulin which is widely spread to be beneficial to diabetic patients. Researchers have found that a compound called sterols in cucumbers can help decrease levels of cholesterol. Cucumbers contain a lot of fiber, potassium and magnesium. These nutrients work effectively for regulating blood pressure. That is why cucumber is good for treating both high blood pressure and low blood pressure.


Cucumber refreshes the mouth

Cucumber juice heals and refreshes diseased gums. Get a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for a half minute, the phytochemcials will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing unpleasant breath.

Cucumber smoothes hair and nails

The wonder mineral Silica in cucumber makes your hair and nails shinier and stronger. The sulfur and silica in cucumbers help to stimulate your hair growth.

Cucumber promotes joint health, relieves arthritis and gout pain

As cucumber is an excellent source of silica it promotes joint health by strengthening the connective tissues. When mixed with carrot juice, cucumber can relieve gout and arthritis pain by lowering levels of the uric acid.

Cucumber cures hangover

To avoid a morning headache or hangover you can eat a few cucumber slices before going to sleep. Cucumbers contain enough B vitamins, sugar and electrolytes to replenish many essential nutrients and reducing the severity of both hangover and headache.

Cucumber keeps kidneys in shape

Cucumber lowers uric acid levels in your body and though keeping the kidneys healthy.